Last summer my best friend's dad asked me what my "bridal break down" will be? I said, "no way, not gonna happen, I'm so organized, everything is pretty much done!" Fast Forward 4 or 5 months and if you've ever planned a wedding, you'd know that the last two weeks are really the most stressful. From planning the day of timeline, making sure everyone knows what they are responsible for, paying the rest of the vendors, as well as dealing with the last minute issues anyone can come up with, your life, brain, and emotions are really consumed. I decided to give myself a little downtime and get into the wedding mood by looking up any wedding picture or video I could find when I came across the most amazing wedding videographer I'd ever seen, Meet+Cute (Adam Clark)! I HAD TO HAVE HIM. Mind you it is TWO WEEKS before the wedding and the budget is blown.
To humor myself, I decided I would email him, he would write back to tell me he was booked, then I would be bummed and move on. Nope. He was available and willing to negotiate pricing with me because he had family here to visit and could use the wedding as an excuse to come up! I was thrilled and immediately called Adam (my Adam). Like always he brings me back down to earth, told me the budget was blown, and that we had decided months ago we did not need a videographer. Well, get ready because THIS WAS MY BRIDAL BREAKDOWN. Like I said before, I HAD TO HAVE THIS VIDEO! I wont go into all the details of me acting like a 5 year old being told I wasn't allowed to have cookies for dinner, but I cried, we talked, and because my husband loves me, Meet+Cute was booked and became some of the BEST money we spent on a day we will remember forever!
I still can't believe this was our wedding...

My Advice to Brides, spend money on the things that will spark the memory of that day for you and your Husband forever. Make sure you have given yourself enough time to take your pictures, let the photographer get creative, and make sure you are comfortable with them because their work will be a part of your life forever (we loved our photographer- Lauren Gay- and think of her as a very good friend now- such a good person inside and out). If you're wavering on spending the money on good videographer, do it. The video brings these memories to life in a different kind of emotion.