Happy Good Friday!
I've noticed over the past month how much happier and easy going my life has been with my new job. I'm less stressed out and really getting into the rhythm of a routine! Once you are into the working world, people tend to get into some sort of daily routine with their job and home life (your routine may be different on a Monday, than it is on a Wednesday, but none the less you have a daily routine). I feel as though daily routines can be very healthy, especially for me. But for some people, they are unhealthy due to following the same unhealthy habits that they first laid when starting their routine. Habits include anything from the thoughts you possess to the actions your exert. Unhealthy habits can actually harm your over all happiness which will bleed out into your routine everyday.
There are electrical impulses in your brain that turn into chemicals in your body, negativity can actually turn into negative chemicals in your body, which can harvest around your organs and actually harm you. Destructive, negative thinking won't allow you to be constructive with yourself and your life. So how do we become positive? We have to break that unhealthy habits.
First of all Motion can create Emotion. Releasing your endorphins can create positive electrical impulses, which in turn create positive chemicals in your body. Not only will you sleep better, you'll have the desire to eat healthy! Make little changes to your routine at a time, don't over load yourself and get frustrated, keep a positive outlook on a small task and over come one bad habit at a time.
Caitlin is such an amazing fitness expert, check out her website for some great tips on getting active, staying active, and eating healthy!
A hard concept to grasp out of college is keeping up with your friendships! It's not as easy as walking downstairs or across the hall, it takes effort and understanding. I try to make a point to let my friends know that I do miss them and schedule those important one on one times with them to actually listen to what is happening in their hectic and exciting life. Even a 5 minute phone call or a quick text to let them know you were thinking about them is all someone needs sometimes. You never know, you may have created the moment that turned their whole day around. I know I don't always say the right thing, but I'm working on it, if they are really your friends and loved ones they know you are going to have good moments, bad moments, even moments where you want to put your foot in your mouth and chew on your leg for a little while, but they won't hold you hostage to these moments because they think of you as highly as you do of them.
I'm working on the core of my belief system now, I know that the things I did in the first quarter of my life are not what I'll be doing here in the second quarter, so I have to continue to work on myself because overall happiness can show in your emotions and actions everyday. Make an effort today, you can't move back in time, you can only move forward. I challenge you to look at your routine and focus on creating three positive habits for every negative habit you have. This balance will create your healthy routine!
On a VERY Exciting Note, we are having our engagement pictures taken tomorrow by a friend I met through a referral of my sister's wedding photographer. Lauren Gay is so talented and such an absolute positive JOY to be around! Check out her work and check back for the preview after she does our shoot tomorrow!